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where is the download

On Steam.

longest load time out of any game I've played

Something is probably wrong. Check the console (Ctrl+Shift+J) and see if it throws any errors.


(1 edit)

it doesnt edit by that I mean it wont pop up the console

(1 edit)

how do i get red sand

Keep digging!

Nice game and very addictive.

Option to export/load game data to backup it would be nice to have.  I managed to dump IndexedDB data and later import it, but it may break if something is changed in game internals.

Btw, it throws an error and doesn't launch  in Firefox (but works in Chrome).

Hey! Thank you very much! 🙏 Main Menu -> Load -> Export will download a .save file. You can import it by pressing Import in the top right corner in the same window. Importing the IndexedDB dump should work as well though but it's not ergonomical.

Yeah, lots of issues in Firefox with color profiles and the anti-fingerprinting things where it fails reading the map since the colors won't match. Haven't found a reliable fix yet that works on all platforms (e.g. when it started working on Firefox Windows it stopped working on Firefox Linux etc).

Oh, I haven't noticed the Export button. Exported .save is almost exactly the same JSON as dumped IndexedDB data. Anyways, I learned something.

I do use Linux. Currently I get error: "Unknown color in blueprint (case #1): 255, 255, 251". Previously it was something like "w is undefined". Really looks like something with loading colors. 

Is there a way to delete drones please ?

Nice game btw :)

Thank you! ❤️ Right now it will delete the oldest one depending on your limit, but a drone admin is coming where you can also lock them.

what upgradeds are needed for geting drills

Drills are not in the game... yet!

why do i haft to wight so long to play the game i realy want to play  but i cant because it wont lode 

a lot of people even I have this bug you cant do anything about it not that I know of, if you have this bug you cant use another browser you cant use the steam version you cant do anything to fix it 

the only thing that gets you a little into the game is playing on a phone browser at least there you get to the home screen and can create a word but you cant play since the game is all black,

 you can interact with the inventory and other tabs but you cant use anything you cant place blocks you cant move you cant see anything but a black screen 

but at least that gets you past the loading screen 

this is a great game but if you cant play it what's the point of it and even the devs don't seem to even try to help you 

all they ask is have you checked console then proceeds to go about their day like you were not even there

they would rather roleplay than actually help you 

I don't have anything with roleplay but at least be a little serious when you are dealing with a problem 

(1 edit)
Wow! Two a week ago it was a little-known game with few comments. Now in one week there are as many comments as in the rest of the time! Lanto, congratulations!

Thank you very much! ❤️

Made a big pile to dive into Scrooge McDuck style. Didnt realise there was a limit on drones so my ferrying of red sand for flux got stopped. Also some water condensed in some pipes and stopped the rest of the steam escaping (this was before i plugged it with gold)

Also, some lights didnt work, is there a limit to how many can be placed?

Cool bunch! I want to ask where do you get water for her?

Initially I awkwardly used one small lake next to a cave, then evaporated an underground resivoir to refill the lake. Then i used what small pools i found underground to convert some sand before it got to the surface to prolong the lakes lifespan as i funnelled the same through, and finally unlocked pipes to refill it from larger pools deep below.

Its worth noting that pile is after unlocking all research in the demo, so presumably actually made twice that amount in total.

Hey and thank you for the feedback!

1. A drone admin is coming where you can lock drones and other things.
2. Yeah, there's a hardcoded limit on the lights in the shader right now due to various reasons. Going to fix that so the lights issue is resolved since it's a very common issue right now.

Thanks again!

With the drones, its a little irksome to have to drag to set the path, given you can just noclip them through the world - perhaps the admin could have limited freecam where you can move within the area you have already explored?

drone deleteter please

Yep, a drone admin is coming!

how long does it take for the game to load

i also have this bug its been 3 hours you cant wait for it to load 

so what should I do

try Firefox browser that the  only thing the devs tell you to do 

I don't know about that. I usually recommend Chrome but ideally it should work in all browsers.

I am using chrome

I have a problem, when I downloaded the game and clicked on it to play it nothing loaded and when I Left clicked to go into Inspect (on Google Chrome) it said, Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED bundle.js:

That's interesting. Never seen that one before! Just to confirm, when you say "download" do you mean playing it on here or downloading the Steam version?

killed my save by jumping over the world edge mountain lol. got stuck in underground limited view and couldnt interact with anything

Hey! I've now added an "Unstuck / Respawn" button. Also fixed some of the out of bounds issues. Let me know if it fixes it for you.

Why can't we delete pipes? It would be a good feature an i think it's easy to add...


Pipe Remover is in the buildings tab near the bottom. Has a big red X.

(1 edit)

My bad. Didn't see it

Yeah, it's pretty unclear right now. Sorry!

This was a lot of fun! Looking forward to the full version. 

Thanks! I will make sure not to disappoint! 🙏

(1 edit)

My favourite game right now


Thank you! ❤️

Game or PC? So I have tried opening Sandustry multiple times on different days and it gets stuck on Launching...

Hey! Sorry for the late reply.

What browser and computer are you on? Are you sure it says "Launching"?

Yes. My computer is not the best but it runs most games. I have tried the demo and Itch browser and neither have worked.


Idea Suggestions:


     Drills are a basic way to obtain sand. they drill down, destroying blocks in a 2x1 areas beneath it, it also pulls up materials via the shaft, outputting it to the top.


     There would be 3 types of drills. Mk1, Mk2, and Mk3.

          Mk1: Basic drill, can break sand soil, and anything with ground toughness (Check below idea) 2 or below. It would drill about 10 pixels per minute. On colliding with a materials higher than it's possible drill level, it will slowly extract that material without breaking it, (1/20) speed, but the yield is only 1 of that resource. On mining bedrock, it will only spit out regular sand at a WAY slower pace. (1/40) speed.

          Mk2: Same as the Mk1, The Mk2 can break anything of toughness 4 or less. It also can mine materials that require the gun or the flamethrower. Also, mines 25 pixels per minute instead of 10. Instead of mining at (1/20) speed on colliding with stronger materials, it will drill at (1/15) speed but the yield is only 1 of that resource. On mining bedrock, it may extract Red sand, Regular sand, or small bits of gold at (1/30) speed.

          Mk3: Like the Mk1 and Mk2, This Drill digs anything toughness 6 or less, and that would be normally enough to break anything (except for bedrock). This drill mines almost anything, being able to mine crack stone, and allowing it to mine anything that requires the gun, the flamethrower, or the rocket launcher. This drill mines a lot faster. Mining at speeds of 50 pixels per minute. On colliding with a material higher than this drill's level, it will mine at (1/10) speed but the yield is only 1 of that resource. When mining bedrock, it can extract most materials, with each having a small chance.


Ground Hardness:

     Once procedural generation is made, some new materials are in order. (Check Below Idea)

     Ground Layers (In Order):

SandSoil (Toughness 1) (Drops Sand)

Rocky Soil (Toughness 1) (Drops new material(Stone) and Sand)

Sandstone (Toughness 2) (Drops 2x as much sand as SandSoil)

Flint Node (Toughness 2) (Drops new material(Flint))

DarkSoil (Toughness 3) (Has a chance to drop gold when mined. Drops 3x as much Sand as Sandsoil)

Stone (Toughness 4) (Drops  new material(Stone))

Mesa Block (Toughness 4) (Drops RedSand)

Compact Ice (Toughness 4) (Requires Flamethrower) (Becomes Ice on destruction)

Rich Soil (Toughness 2) (Drops 4x as much sand as SandSoil, also drops RedSand and new material(Flint))

Glowing Crystals (Toughness 5) (Shatters on destruction)

Dark Stone (Toughness 5) (Requires Rocket Launcher) (Drops 2x new material(Stone))

Mossy Stone (Toughness 5) (Rare pockets) (Destroyed by Rocket Launcher) (Drops 3x new material(Stone))

Some new stuff...

Bedrock (Toughness 100) (Unbreakable)


     Stone: (When dropped from a great height (about how high burned slag needs), it becomes Gold and Sand. (Dropped from: Rocky Soil, Stone, Dark Stone, Mossy Stone)

     Flint: (When dropped, it combusts, causing Fire to spawn at it's location.) (Dropped from Flint Node, Rich Soil)

If you somehow read all this, PLEASE comment, i need to get this to Lantto. And if you are Lantto, Just keep in mind these things.

a yellow smiley face with a hand behind it is giving an ok sign .


The idea is cool, but there are some subtleties. Drills will be almost useless if you do not take into account the infinite resources. On average, the nature of the destruction of the soil already significantly increases what you describe in the characteristics of the drill. New resources, although they need to be in the game, but what you described is similar to: sand, red sand, better sand, even cooler sand. With the stone, it is really cool, but the mechanics with throwing from a height are already there and I would like something else.
P.S.: the translation of the comment is made by Google translator, there may be errors.

Alright. Sorry for the late reply! Now this was a nice idea dump! Love it. Will quickly comment on some things:

Drills and lasers are actually coming (not in the Demo but in the Playtest branch). I haven't decided how stationary drills should work but your implementation idea sounds solid!

Love all the ground and terrain ideas.

Thank you so much for the feedback! 🙏 Let me know if you have any more. 

Hello! I am using Samsung A54 5G, Android: 14 and One UI: 6.1. When I try to play via web, the screen does not appear in normal sky, hints hotbar etc. are visible but everything else is pitch black. Only in dug dark places and in water the image is normal and playable but you can imagine how difficult it is (Imagine your cat gnawing the cable that transfers the screenshot and you have to constantly touch the cable when the image is gone :D or the charging cable :D ) I wish the game was not only for computer <3 It would be great if it was cross-platform like Mindustry <3 (Note: Translated by Google Translate.)


Hey! Sorry for the late reply and thank you for the feedback! Love the cat analogy. :D I'm surprised the game even loads on that setup at all. Very interesting actually. I'm going to sit down and focus on getting a proper Android version working one day.

Thanks again!

Enjoying this sandbox so far (via the Demo from Steam primarily) and just noticed that the grappling hook can rather easily let you crash the game.

All you need to do is purchase the upgrade, then head near the sky limit on either the left or right edge of the map, then grapple upwards at an angle. You can latch onto a point that seems to be the “wraparound” for the X and Y axis, and if you release too far past the proper corner then the game freezes up entirely.

Not entirely sure how your game is built so let me know if there’s anything I can do to look up/generate some logging/debug info to help – I saw in one of the patch notes that you are using Electron (and I’m fairly handy with JavaScript/TypeScript, though not with Electron specifically) so if it takes some “dev knowledge” to provide assistance I’m cool with that

Hey! Sorry for the late reply and I'm sure we've already discussed this on Discord but responding anyway for other people to see:

The out of bounds issue crashing the game should have been resolved in a hotfix but you can still clip into the wall with the grappling hook. If that happens, use the new "Unstuck / Respawn" button.



Two things I encountered in my play before I've gotten to actually dealing with spores, and I"m not sure if one of them is a bug or not. 1: I am playing on Mac, and the browser version doesn't seem to work on safari. I hit run game, and it opened a new window with just the game. The problem started when it seemed to be stuck on "loading." I gave it six minutes with the "Lantto Games" Title, but it just said loading under it. I know I know, I use it because it's what came pre-installed and has worked for most of what I need it for. I switched to chrome and it worked perfectly for me. 2: you can wall jump??? Just move against a wall and jump repeatedly. It just kinda felt out of place, especially with the jetpack for vertical movement, so I figured id ask if it's intended or just a happy accident. Overall, Love it. Looking forward to the upcoming updates, and hopefully Mac support on steam.

Also, the sound stopped working when I started mining around near the large underground reservoir. Reloaded the page and it came back. Last thing: Near the beginning of my play through I accidentally got some gold mixed with slag or something and it looked like just 1 pixel, but when I picked it up, it filled my entire cursor. I couldn't replicate it or i'd ad how, but thought i'd mention it. Game is amazing seriously, the concept and play feel fantastic. Keep it up!

(1 edit)

found 2(3, 1 being lagging in mine, but that has a temp fix) more things. when I saved and reloaded, I came back without anything in my hands, but I was holding and could use the cryoblaster(attached screenshot). Also, I was getting some cinder to make lava heaters, and I made an everlasting lava pixel. No matter how much I blast it with the cryoblaster it just melts the snow and stays there. I have a video of the long time lava, but it's a screen recording and I don't feel like trying to figure out how to attach it.

Really sorry for the late reply and thank you for the kind words! 🙏 I think we've already discussed some of this on Discord (unless I'm mistaking you with someone else) but I will address everything anyway for other people to see: 

1. I'm also on Mac. Haven't tested on Safari though so need to look into that! Thanks for reporting.

2. Yeah, wall jump is unintended and really annoying. Need to fix.

3. Yes, the sound engine I wrote has many issues at the moment that I hope to fix soon.

4. That single pixel is interesting. The only thing I can think of is that it's in "particle mode" which currently makes it not grabbable due to a bug. If you find a way to reproduce it, let me know!

5. The no arms bug was resolved in a hotfix.

6. The single pixel is due to a mechanic that is a leftover from the freezing mechanic being the blueprint for scoria creation (where it's a way to avoid annoying single pixel ice). I still haven't looked into the implications of removing it for lava but it should probably be fine.

Thank you for the feedback!

Found several related bugs of some kind.

  1. Plants can have their growth suppressed with launchers above them. Removing the launcher gives a huge accumulated growth spurt.
  2. There’s a ceiling to how high you can fly, but suppressed+released plants go higher, and beyond flamethrower range.
  3. Perhaps as a result of the above, my game broke its physics - everything stopped moving except for the player. Flamethrower flames hang in midair, material picked up doesn’t fall, etc. Saving and reloading doesn’t fix it.

Hello! Thank you for reporting. All valid points. Working on a fix for 3 as we speak so hopefully I can unbrick your game soon. Sorry about that!

(1 edit) (+1)

I've enjoyed the Steam Demo, But i have been hindered by a few aspects, 

1. Burning Slag takes WAY too long, if there were a object that could be placed, and would heat up whatever item was inside of it, like a heater, that would burn slag, incinerate objects like spores, or other items, and melt ice/snow, it would help greatly.

2. Sand, Sand is Impossible to automate reliably. I would enjoy a drill of some sort like Hydroneer that slowly drills sand out of whatever you place it on. Like bedrock. And outputs it to the side. Like a drone, but more reliable.

3. Faster Conveyors/Factory Items, My whole factory is being backed up just because the Shakers and the Conveyors don't move fast enough. Having a feature that has multi-staged building, like upgrades that cost $. They would make something faster, and would apply to every building of it's type.

4. Jet pack improvements, When hovering, if the S key is pressed (Pc) it should allow you to hover down. Also, walking up a 1 pixel block or higher should be possible. as hitting little spikes on the ground can be frustrating. Also, a character Improvement is imminent, Even a small walking animation is appreciated.

5. Slight map improvements, Small things like making the map a bit longer, and maybe adding a little procedural generation.

6. EDIT, Events, like rain, any exposed objects, if can be watered, will be, also comes with a new item unlock able in Refining 3, collects water during the rain event, and spews it out as usable water.

Even if 1 of these features were added, the game's quality would be WAY better.

Signing off, -Hfistegt


Hey! Thank you for the input. This is the kind of feedback I love so much appreciated! Spoilers below:

1. You can create an autoburner using lava but you need to use the Cryoblaster to freeze it into scoria and cinder. I normally then fill up a few blocks of filters with cinder and then use the Flamethrower to turn it back to lava. When the slag runs over it will start burning.

2. Got it! I haven't really decided how to deal with biomes yet but maybe each biome should have its own sand type and once you've got the tech you can simply automate it away like you say so that you can focus on the new biome.

3. This is an interesting one. Unlike other factory games the belts can be stacked vertically so the actual bottlenecks are normally the launchers. It shouldn't be any problem to make a setup with shakers that can take huge throughput. With that said, faster belts are probably coming.

4. Yes and yes. Both are coming!

5. The full game will be procedurally generated.

6. Good idea!

Thank you again! ❤️

For the Autoburner, a building would work better, as some players may be confused, and not know how to automate burning slag. So some sort of flamethrower block, that emits fire out of the bottom would be a useful workaround. Also, setting up the autoburner suggested by you takes a LONG time, more than a small part should take.

maybe as a short term solution lantto could put an example of their auto burner to be found near the lava. Idk how that would work exactly because I have yet to play the game. I just finished orbital potatoes video on it and came directly here.

Yea, that would be a good idea.


Web version appears to still be broken on Firefox. The error is "w is undefined" now.

Thanks for reporting! Are you on Linux by any chance?

No, Windows 11.

Found a funny bug. When using a non-Latin keyboard layout (for example, Cyrillic), the control will stop working. I spent half an hour trying to figure out why I couldn’t walk.
P.S. This comment was translated by Google translator. there may be errors

Hi! That's an interesting bug that I will need to fix. Thank you for reporting!


I am also unable to run in firefox (tested with a fresh, empty profile, no addons, in Firefox Dev Edition 135.0b2). After clicking "Run game", the new window opens and starts loading, but eventually fails with `Error: can't access property "fg", w is undefined` on the loading screen. Clicking "Try anyway" doesn't fix the error.

Based on the stack trace from the console (pasted at the end of this comment), and some poking around, it looks like your "Unknown color in blueprint" check is erroring when checking for a foreground color (w = w.fg) when w is undefined because the array of blueprint colors(?) doesn't contain an entry for '255, 255, 254' at all, so w is undefined.

i'm not 100% sure, since i'm working from the minified source, but it looks like, for some reason, firefox is getting different rgb values from the ImageData of menu_blueprint.png

Error getting store: TypeError: can't access property "fg", w is undefined
    a bundle.js:2
    F_ bundle.js:2
    o bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    L_ bundle.js:2
    L_ bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    o bundle.js:2
    promise callback*l bundle.js:2
    o bundle.js:2
    promise callback*l bundle.js:2
    N_ bundle.js:2
    N_ bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    a bundle.js:2
    (Async: promise callback)
    l bundle.js:2
    o bundle.js:2
    (Async: promise callback)
    l bundle.js:2
    o bundle.js:2
    (Async: promise callback)
    l bundle.js:2
    N_ bundle.js:2
    N_ bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2
    (anonymous) bundle.js:2

Thank you! Impressive debugging skills considering you're working with the minified source. I think you're onto something regarding the RGB values, which would explain the discrepancies and why I can't replicate it myself (e.g. due to different color profiles). I wonder if manually setting the colorSpace when getting the context would be a solution.


Hi again. The issue was the embedded color profile in the PNG that I use as a blueprint for the map, where plain green for some reason was read as 1, 255, 0 in Firefox. Stripping it with ImageMagick or resaving in Aseprite without sRGB fixed it. Thank you for the help! <3

My game drops to 15-20 fps whenever im underground. :( love the game though.

Hey! :) You obviously already know this but for other people running into the same issue: "Disable Shadows" in Options is a temporary fix to this problem.

Absolutely love this game. Amazing work on it and looking forward to any future updates. I spent a good 10 hours probably mining up almost every drop of gold I could get my hands on including blowing up the plants. Only reason I stopped was because the game save has been struggling to load. Looking forward to restarting and playing the next update. 

Thank you very much! You're being too kind but I'm really glad you're enjoying it. The whole save system definitely needs some love. It's basically serializing the entire state, creating massive save files for no reason, when a fraction would be enough. Thanks for reporting!

Nice factory btw! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm unable to start in Firefox since the update; just repeatedly shows |X Error: w is undefined| during loading and "try anyway" just starts over and gets stuck again. I've got a clean install of FF on this computer so idk what the root cause could be. Works fine in chrome/edge though.

Since someone posted their console log before, here's an abreviated version of what I'm getting.


Error getting store: TypeError: w is undefined


    promise callback*l 



(There are a dozen or so lines with some sort of letter prefix and the exact same bundle.js reference, and a couple lines of promise callback sprinkled in)

Thank you very much for reporting and for providing the details and console logs! It's very helpful, especially since it's the second time someone reports that exact error and thus confirms a suspicion I have. Just to confirm: it worked fine in Firefox for you before the update? 

Unfortunately, I'm only about half sure, I generally run everything on firefox by default on my laptop (desktop has a heavily modified version of ff and is always goofy so I can't compare the results) and only switch off if I can't otherwise do something. Usually it's a Unity compatibility fault, so I can't remember anything that would have gone wrong here before. That being said, I don't know for a fact that I wouldn't have not thought twice and just switched off if something didn't work the first time around.



Yessir! Coming next update, so in like a week.



it's been a week 😭🙏

Decided to add some other stuff but it's out now. Haven't really tested the installer though since I'm on a Mac and only play in the browser. :)



where's it out..? -_-

I don't understand, how do you set a filter setting on the filters

I just realized you need to select the filter from the build menu (Q) in order to get the settings popup. When you use it from the hotbar so I need to do something about that. Thanks for reporting!

Maybe add an option to disable the lighting shaders when entering a cave? (WEB version) its a massive hit on performance

(2 edits)

Hey! Yes, good idea. Disabling shaders should be trivial to implement and I definitely need to add more options like that. Are you on a laptop with both integrated GPU and a dedicated graphics card? On my gaming laptop it defaults to the integrated GPU, so I need to manually set it to use the dedicated one. Otherwise I get similar performance issues.


Thank you for your reply!

I don't believe I have a dedicated graphics card or GPU on my laptop, just the ones that came with it when I bought it

(1 edit)

still get stuck on starting :(

Here is the console log. Can you find anything here?

Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 54ms

js?id=G-36R7NPBMLS:539 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 57ms

sandustry:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

lib.min.js?1733736929:2 Unrecognized feature: 'monetization'.

xe @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

He @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

replaceWith @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

Deferred @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

i.load_frame @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ bundle.min.js?1733736929:1

dispatch @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

v.handle @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

lib.min.js?1733736929:2 Unrecognized feature: 'xr'.

xe @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

He @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

replaceWith @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

Deferred @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

i.load_frame @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ bundle.min.js?1733736929:1

dispatch @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

v.handle @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

lib.min.js?1733736929:2 Allow attribute will take precedence over 'allowfullscreen'.

xe @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

He @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

replaceWith @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

Deferred @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

i.load_frame @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ game.min.js?1733736929:1

(anonymous) @ bundle.min.js?1733736929:1

dispatch @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

v.handle @ lib.min.js?1733736929:2

index.html:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

bundle.js:2 createWorld 199.8200000000652

bundle.js:2 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'wheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

mf @ bundle.js:2

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

o @ bundle.js:2

bundle.js:2 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'wheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

mf @ bundle.js:2

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

(anonymous) @ bundle.js:2

o @ bundle.js:2

bundle.js:2 setupSession 145.53000000002794

[Violation] 'setInterval' handler took 317ms

Hey! Thank you. This is very useful. The error about ports closing seems like a breaking issue (since the game needs multithreading to work) but I'm not sure. Searching for it online brings up a lot of issues related to Chrome Extensions. Do you have any extension installed that could be the culprit?

I am writing this from a school Chromebook, but very, very few websites are actually blocked, and fewer in a way that might affect this. I even tried disabling adblock.


Interesting game, played through what is there so far. The sand physics is fun, the components to build from feel fitting together well to create interesting and functional contraptions. What I imagine would be challenging is to make the game mechanics (sand physics) fast enough for a solid, smoothly going game, it struggles a fair bit already for the later goals (was playing on Chromium).

Thank you! Yes, performance will definitely be challenging. In retrospect I've made many dumb choices when building the engine but hopefully I can mitigate it. Would be really sad if I had to add artificial restrictions just because the engine can't handle scaling a big factory.

Just a bit of curiosity - what this is programmed in? Seems like a fun bit of challenge to figure out how to push that core mechanics to be able to go far and beyond!

Hey! (Didn't see the reply until now.) It's all JavaScript. The biggest problem is that I can't share arbitrary memory between threads so I have this convoluted solution that would be completely unnecessary in other languages. The simulation wouldn't be possible without multithreading so it's kind of frustrating but still fun to work on!


Very good game, love to see more, but can there be a way to get the save code, for example: if someone was to change the device they were playing on, they would have to restart, or was in incognito mode, or cleared cookies, but otherwise, good!

Thank you! Yeah, I totally agree. This version is an early playtest so it lacks a lot of Quality of Life features that I really need to fix. Let me know if you have any other feedback!

Are moving contraption planned?

Hey! Depends on what kind of contraptions you had in mind but I'm open for ideas and suggestions.

Like cars and rockets maybe even mechanical arms


Very fun already! I look forward to the rest of the game :]

Thank you! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting concept. Love the physics simulation.

How can you make water vapor condense if it is trapped in caves?

Thank you!

You've actually highlighted an issue for which there's currently no good solution. I should probably add to the Itch page that this is a playtest of the alpha, so a lot of stuff is still missing. The idea is that you will eventually have a "freeze gun" that you can use to condense steam back into water manually.

(1 edit) (+1)

I was kind of expecting it to cool off after a while and condense by itself. Similar to how it behaves outside. I also tried to put snow there. Just sharing my thoughts.

guess the part with the teal colored wall is demo how to do off limits in the alpha. i was able to clip by moving objects. :-)

That makes sense to have it automatically condense by itself. Good suggestion!

Yup, that was supposed to be off-limits, so nice catch! :D Let me know if you find any other bugs—I'm sure there are plenty.

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